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AI detect respiratory diseases even when PFTs did not include plethysmography data.
ArtiQ.QC over-reading & manual over-reading: are the results comparable? And with whom do experts agree more?
Learn more about the consequences of the ATS/ERS 2019 guidelines update.
ArtiQ Wins UK Government Funding for its AI Algorithms to Support Timely Diagnosis of Lung Diseases
ArtiQ.QC over-reading & manual over-reading: are the results comparable? And with whom do experts agree more?
ArtiQ announces a partnership with Vyaire Medical to bring its ArtiQ.PFT software to hospitals across Europe.
Find out how AI can improve data quality in epidemiological studies.
ArtiQ obtains ISO 13485 and CE marking (MDR) certification.
ArtiQ awarded a € 450 000 grant from VLAIO
Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) – Interview with professor Wim Wuyts
Watch the presentation below to get an overview of the latest applications of AI in respiratory medicine and to learn how doctors and AI can work together as a complimentary team.
Standardization of ATS/ERS quality criteria or spirometry – interview wit Nilakash Das.
3 powerful ways AI is changing healthcare.
ArtiQ.QC combines the visual experience of skilled technicians and ATS/ERS quantitative rules in automating the critical phase of spirometry quality control.
Neural Networks to standardize spirometric manoeuvre acceptability and usability.
ArtiQ in Artsenkrant.
ArtiQ, a KU Leuven spin-off company which helps doctors diagnose, treat and monitor respiratory problems, announces that it has successfully concluded its seed financing round, raising € 1 million euro. The financing will be used to launch ArtiQ|PFT, a decision support tool that offers pulmonologists a fast, reliable and standardized evaluation of a patient’s lung function.
A study investigating locally interpretable model-agnostic explanation (LIME) to explain the predictions of ArtiQ.PFT’s diagnostic probability.
The ArtiQ.PFT software perfectly matched the PFT pattern interpretations (100%) and assigned a correct diagnosis in 82% of all 1500 cases.