Artificiële Intelligentie helpt huisartsen longziekten opsporen

by ArtiQ Feb 8, 2023

ArtiQ ranked in the CB Insights’ 2022 ‘Digital Health 150’ List

by ArtiQ Dec 13, 2022

NuvoAir Partners with ArtiQ to Provide AI-Based Over-Reading of Spirometry to Improve Efficiency of Clinical Trials

by ArtiQ Oct 26, 2022

This study with 19 pulmonologists and 60 retrospective cases shows an improvement in diagnostic accuracy of the primary diagnosis from 44% to 63%.

by ArtiQ Oct 5, 2022

This study where 78 pulmonologists collaborated with ArtiQ.PFT on 24 PFT cases shows an increase in diagnostic accuracy of up to 10%.

by ArtiQ Sep 15, 2022

AI detected ILD in 27% of subjects, 3.8±2.1 years prior to ILD diagnosis through standard care.

by ArtiQ Sep 15, 2022

Over-reading spirometry data from the Chinese population to improve data quality in GLI-research.

by ArtiQ Sep 15, 2022

How much do spirometry experts agree with each other… and with themselves?

by ArtiQ Sep 15, 2022

One year ago ArtiQ was announced as one of the 38 organizations to receive funding following a successful application in the latest round of the Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award. One year later we give you an update on the current advancements.

by ArtiQ Jun 21, 2022

Over the last year ArtiQ welcomed several interns.  As their time with us comes to an end we would like to reflect on their experiences and what it meant for them to be an intern at ArtiQ.

by ArtiQ Jun 17, 2022

This study where 16 pulmonologists collaborated with ArtiQ.PFT on 24 PFT cases shows an increase in diagnostic accuracy of up to 20%.

by ArtiQ Jun 5, 2022

ArtiQ and patientMpower join forces to provide the best quality home spirometry to patients and healthcare professionals

by ArtiQ May 11, 2022

Boehringer Ingelheim and ArtiQ join forces to help bring specialist-level expertise to all levels of care.

by ArtiQ Mar 3, 2022

ArtiQ presented at the International Respiratory Summit at the EXPO 2020.

by ArtiQ Nov 19, 2021

Spirometry data from preschool children and healthy adults, evaluated by ArtiQ.QC.

by ArtiQ Sep 2, 2021

AI detect respiratory diseases even when PFTs did not include plethysmography data.

by ArtiQ Sep 2, 2021

ArtiQ.QC over-reading & manual over-reading: are the results comparable? And with whom do experts agree more?

by ArtiQ Sep 2, 2021

Learn more about the consequences of the ATS/ERS 2019 guidelines update.

by ArtiQ Sep 2, 2021

ArtiQ Wins UK Government Funding for its AI Algorithms to Support Timely Diagnosis of Lung Diseases

by ArtiQ Jun 16, 2021

ArtiQ.QC over-reading & manual over-reading: are the results comparable? And with whom do experts agree more?

by ArtiQ May 2, 2021